Saturday, November 26, 2011

Journal #4

Epic poetry usually embodies the attitudes and ideals of an entire culture. What values of Anglo-Saxon society does Beowulf reveal? What universal themes does it also reveal? Use specific examples from the poem to support your answer [300-350 words].
In most epics, the plot and the characters reveal underlying themes and beliefs of a particular culture throughout the story.  This holds true in the story of Beowulf since the characters’ actions, notions, and reactions display their ideas and customs.  One of the major ideals of Beowulf’s people was the idea that one could gain immortality through a death in battle.  The people thought that the only noble way to die was in duel that was fought to the death for one’s honor.  This is shown in the epic when Beowulf states “my lord Higlac might think less of me if I let my sword go where my feet were afraid to” (Raffel 25).  Here, Beowulf demonstrates how bravery and courage were highly esteemed by the Anglo-Saxon society.  Most people of the time believed that it was dignified to engage in battle in order to defend oneself or one’s country.  Moreover, another common belief was that every citizen, especially the king, should always defend and try to give back to his country.  This idea is evident in Beowulf since Beowulf continues to fight the dragon to his death, despite his old age, just to earn the treasure for his thanes.  In addition, Beowulf displays his lordly generosity as he travels to Hrothgar’s kingdom to battle Grendel, not even knowing the people of the kingdom.  This shows how Beowulf felt it his duty to fight for his people, or any people for that matter.  However, the main ideal shown in Beowulf is the idea that glory can be gained through battle and courage.  This idea is emphasized through the constant boasts of the thanes in the mead-hall.  The men feel that if they declare their winnings in battle, the other men will be awestruck and pay more respect.  Consequently, all of the actions and ideas of Beowulf and his thanes in the classic epic demonstrate the ideals and beliefs of the Anglo-Saxon people of Beowulf’s time. 

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